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serial last won the day on May 11 2023

serial had the most liked content!


About serial

Previous Fields

  • guitars
    Lotsa old and newer Hamers (from '76-'03), Shishkov # 0003, '04 GMP Roxie Bass, Gibson Historic FB1, Gibson J-200,
  • amps
    Marshall JCM800 2203, Trace Elliot Bass head, Marshall '82 Anniv 4x12, Tech 21 4x10, Trace 1x15, H&K 40w
  • fx
    BassDriver DI, old MXR Phase 90, Boss Chorus

Contact Methods

  • Website URL

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Central Pennsyltucky
  • Interests
    Great loud rock and roll, feedback, Hamer Instruments, my kids, Corvettes, shooting, the beach and Natty Boh.

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Veteran HFCer

Veteran HFCer (4/4)



  1. All flametop Standards were one-piece bodies. The Mahogany Standard and the Standard Korina had two-piece bodies many times, but they are thicker and have different heels.
  2. I have no words for this. "Wow!!!" maybe, but that's about all I can squeak out as my jaw is on the floor.
  3. Sorry, but there is nothing quite like the excitement of a Shishkov order in progress. I'm getting set to get in line again-it's an awesome ride.
  4. I always had the same issue with PRSi-loved the look and feel (especially after factory visits), but that subsided as soon as I plugged them in. Just didn't dig the sound, no matter what amp. Then I picked a beater Custom 22 10top for $300 from a pawn shop (missing trem arm and two broken tuners). Great guitar.
  5. Seeing the DC flat top sealed it for me.
  6. hi steve its me dead randy..... been busy

    askin about the proto body.... can ya send me pics... [email protected]

    thanks boss....

  7. It's McChris, so 'ELO Out of the Blue' or 'Mister Blue Skies'?
  8. To celebrate the 35th annversary of 'ATCWR''s release as a single this week, I've been cranking WACF by VH.
  9. I believe that you may have named your finish! That's perfect.
  10. Yeah-after years of lugging a Fender Twin or a Marshall 100w 1/2 stack, I'm ok with the 34 lb TM60! We go direct which compresses the hell out of everything and makes the feedback I love so much all but impossible (although I will say I was able to get some Friday-the chambering?).
  11. Here is a little bit of video from last Friday night's gig with #0003. This happened to be the last song we did with our drummer, who is retiring from the band and also happened to be the first song I played with the drummer and the other guitarist which got us to start the band.
  12. Ohhhh Boyyyy!
  13. NUDE though...
  14. I think those will go out together.
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