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Hey Fender amp guys


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SF Showmen aren't all that common. Think of them as a Twin without reverb, or an 80W Bandmaster.

I'd say $350-$450 depending upon condition, location, and motivation.

Pretty much any amp parts place will have the beartrap clips.

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FYI....The BF Dual showman has reverb and the standard BF Showman is built with the same AB763 as many of the other BF Fenders. The early SF Showman have the AB763 circuit also.

There's no such thing as a blackface Showman with reverb, Dual or otherwise. Early SF amps often have the old AB763 tube chart, but most don't really have that circuit.

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those are just 80w? looks like 4 6L6's.

Depends on who's measuring. Fender called the 2x6L6 amps "40W" up until the mid-'70s, then they were "45W"...although nothing really changed. When they went ultralinear, they were "70W" (somewhat optimistic).

Twins/Showmen went 80W, then 100W, then 135W. The amp in that picture is an early SF (the non-Dual version of the Showman didn't last long into the SF era) and would have been labelled "80W" at the speaker jacks.

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With that silver trim, it's a '68 isn't it? It looks clean too. That should sound really good for bass too. Those aren't going down in price any time soon, so hanging onto it wouldn't hurt you a bit.


It sounds awesome for bass, very close to my SVT to my ears only lower volume!

those are just 80w? looks like 4 6L6's.

Its 85w


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FYI....The BF Dual showman has reverb and the standard BF Showman is built with the same AB763 as many of the other BF Fenders. The early SF Showman have the AB763 circuit also.

There's no such thing as a blackface Showman with reverb, Dual or otherwise. Early SF amps often have the old AB763 tube chart, but most don't really have that circuit.

I hate to break it to you but I have not only seen one I played through one. Rare as they are, they are out there. I owned a SF Showman with the A/B 763 Circuit back in the early 90's. Another amp I should have held on to.

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I hate to break it to you but I have not only seen one I played through one. Rare as they are, they are out there. I owned a SF Showman with the A/B 763 Circuit back in the early 90's. Another amp I should have held on to.

Break what to me? That you've played a BF with reverb? Not a chance.

That you've owned an SF with the BF circuit? You said this:

The early SF Showman have the AB763 circuit also.

I guess it depends upon your definition of 'early' - if you mean the handful of '67s that came with SF plates, you're correct. If you mean drip-rails ('68, some '69), SOME do, but most don't. You can't go by the year or tube chart, you have to actually open it up.

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