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Dave Scepter

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Everything posted by Dave Scepter

  1. Yes, you are correct... guitar does NOT come with case but offered $30 off of a $149 case... I told him to pack sand 🀣
  2. Reposting as I love everything about this video
  3. Not just Zeppelin but a ICONIC Bay Area rock Promoter/ Producer in the 70's throughout the 80's... (Janis joplin, Jefferson Airplane/Starship, Jimi Hendrix, Greatful Dead, Santana) Yada yada... A HUGE influential entity of the music scene in San Francisco... also responsible for Live Aid and probably partly responsible for Zeppelin not ever touring in the US again "along with deaths in the family and Zeppelin breaking up shortly" https://www.thecapitoltheatre.com/blog/detail/the-legacy-of-bill-graham-will-last-forever
  4. DiMarzio K10... like Slammers were made for Hamer... K10's were made for Hondo
  5. I had a carbon fiber neck on one of my guitars and hated it!.. it was stiff, lifeless and sterile
  6. Saw JP open for Zeppelin on their very first US tour in the Bay Area "Day on the Green"... Priest killed it... Zeppelin sucked balls as they were just too wasted to play... 2 roadies actually had to hold Jimmy Page up to play.... Huge brawl at the end between Zeppelin, their crew and Bill Grahams crew, police... what a mess!.. lots of arrest that day.. here's a photo of JP... just look how wasted he was... Zeppelin never played in the US since
  7. Everything from Rocka Rolka to Screaming for Vengeance
  8. Supply has greatly exceeded demand as Covid people are back to work and selling off their instruments, at the same time the manufacturers have flooded the market late trying to meet the request/demands of the Covid market lull...
  9. Nice!, Take it apart and let's see the back and the inners...πŸ˜ƒ
  10. Hi Martin, here are some tuners on Ebay... and you can find a Floyd Rose of your choice pretty much anywhere... unless you are referring to the Hamer logo Schaller https://www.ebay.com/itm/194248924540?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=BspYIrkBSzy&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=_1NhtMMuTXK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Oops... sorry, they are LEFT handed
  11. Even better... who will know?.. just say you bought the T-shirt from Ebay 🀣
  12. It's nice though~ I really hope ALL USA Hamers go up in price!!! Fuk all you cheap, Debbie Downer naysayers 🀣
  13. This is really good 🀘😝🀘
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