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Everything posted by moparmagic

  1. moparmagic was the name of a dodge drag racer back in the 70s mopar is the parts and proformance side to chrysler, plymouth, dodge, desoto exc.. and my grandfather owned a dodge dealership back in the day. so i guess Mopar cars are in my blood
  2. that bass is exactly the same as my 85 G&L
  3. im not a fan of the whole death metal scene but i found this band on youtube and loved it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BXt-g4euqA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPRt6Tt6RyM whats your opinion on this?
  4. bashing fender for this dosent get us any closer to an awnser all we can do is wait..
  5. wasnt the idea for the *Hamer guitar* back in the day to be a cheaper/ better alternitive to a vintage Gibson or Fender?
  6. im into SOME of the screaming bands (like the metalcore band bullet for my valintine) but thats just like a horrible mix of i dont know what
  7. whats your favorite type of bridge? im shure theres a whole lot more types out there than i can think of(thats why this isnt a poll) i would say mine would be the tune-o-matic and stop tail combo is mine. what about YOU?
  8. i just fell out of my chair looking at that beauty! edited to add 100th post!!
  9. im lookin for somthin as good or better than my stellar 1. i think ill try waiting and looking for a cheap usa. im in no real big rush. and i can always save up more
  10. are they worth buying one new? or would it be better to find a used hamer thats better?
  11. im building a replica of tiptons strat that he used in the late 70s (black with a chrome pickguard) i was wondering if any one has any pics of it. the only ones i can find are videos on youtube and there a little fuzzy thanks
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