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53 Hamer guitars on Craigslist and counting

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I am confessing----That Superpro is mine. I actually sold it once at a higher price to the opposite coast, then agreed to take it back when that binding separation appeared after shipping. Pretty minimal, but if someone wants a pure mint guitar, that one no longer qualifies. So, I am selling it at a lower price (even more of a loss), hoping there is a local sale so there is no repeat----I just want a clear buy in as to exactly what it is. Which, IMHO, is one helluva lotta guitar for the price.

BTW, I talked to BCR Greg who said the separation could be repaired for $125 or less. However, it is SO minor that I would, frankly, not bother. I guess I am past the point where a guitar that has no visible signs of ever having been played is my numero uno goal in life......If someone wants to come up with a magnifying glass and inspect the guitar while I am playing, MAYBE they would see it......Life is too short to be too critical.

But I do have another SP with an "Ultimate Top" and the rare factory piezo. I TEND to like the sound of the pups on the one I am selling a bit better, but the other is a bit more versatile, even though the piezo setup is not quite as usable as that on my Parker or DuoTone. What can I say? I got too much STUFF!

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Diablo Ltd $500 - says mint also has something bolted to the back of the headstock to keep track of the allen wrenches


1980 special $950. - unusual color


1983 sunburst $849 - been modded at one point


Natural maple top Studio $900


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T 51 $200 - headstock is modded if it is a usa model (no expert) still a fantastic deal http://madison.craigslist.org/msg/3775385372.html

Not even a Hamer body.

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