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Everything posted by velorush

  1. I checked my then high-school-senior daughter out of school for a "Cultural Event" (that's what I wrote in the log book in the Principal's office) and we caught Rush on that tour at the Bridgestone Arena. It was absolutely amazing. Was going to take my (seven years younger) son to see R40 when it rolled around. Wife deemed him too young and suggested we wait until the next tour...
  2. Looked closely at both of those. The dearth of information led me to pass as, generally speaking, the '80's 3X5's have some fairly thin necks. The Tokai is likely along the same lines. Otherwise, very cool instruments.
  3. 1999 is Vintage? Good grief I'm old! 1964 is what? Antediluvian? Primordial? Fossilesque?
  4. Isn't $1,250 pretty reasonable for one of these? OTOH, pick a knob type and go with that.
  5. Maybe the broader market, but I've been trying (somewhat passively) to buy an ES-335 for a couple of years and the prices have done nothing but increase. My predilection for large necks is pushing me toward a '64 or '59 reissue, but those things are ridiculously expensive. I have seen some of the new plant guitars that seem to have a more 50's sort of neck, but still we're talking $3,500 new. I did get a Reverb Offer last week for a new 335 dot marked down to $3,100 with free shipping. OTOH, the Senior sold for far less than I thought it would and my Gibson Howard Roberts didn't sell at all in spite of listing below any other Reverb and then discounting significantly (and mine with Lollar Imperials).
  6. Beautiful, and sold! Seller is offering significant discounts in an attempt to reduce inventory. Has a beautiful natural Newport Pro among other things. 【Clearance Sale!】 Takumi's Gear Shop | Reverb
  7. Confirmed. Caption on p.95 says, "Custom-ordered flamed maple top Steve Stevens. Photo courtesy PAFung, NSWT Guitars, Inc."
  8. I've never owned a Daytona (I think I typed that up there somewhere), but I've wired lots of Strats. I don't care too much for the master tone layout because the bridge pickup generally needs more roll off than the others. I also don't care for having two tone controls on the 4 position (when the first tone control is connected to neck and middle and the second tone control is tied to the bridge you have both tone controls functional when the switch is selecting bridge and middle pickups). Short of a superswitch, which is the best solution, I just connect tone 1 to neck and tone 2 to bridge and leave the middle pickup without a tone control, but lots of people way smarter and more experienced than I have different opinions on the best layout.
  9. I don't have a horse in this race, but what I've seen online, Rob's voice hasn't lost a thing, and the new guys are absolutely fantastic with complete respect for the music. [/opinion] That said (butted in) I'd love to hear the answer to the question. For me Priest = Metal. I discovered them at precisely the right time in my teens to make a permanent imprint.
  10. Except the BCR Junior. That's got to go! Shoot me a message. Glad to help out in these conundrums.
  11. They aren't these flipped upside down, are they? Marshall amp feet replacements designed for our popular amplifiers | Marshall.com
  12. ⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ I buy from Bubs. Bubs has even given me stuff!* *and by stuff, I mean good stuff, not like, COVID, rabies, a wedgie or a flat tire
  13. The shop hadn't gotten the news about Hound Dog's passing:
  14. Had to have been the awkward placement of the Monkey GripTM that led to the rejection 😆
  15. Would mitigate disproportionate roll-off of treble frequencies as the volume was reduced. Treble Bleed Circuit ETA: Dirk's Premier Guitar article
  16. Schematic OEM Pickups were Seymour Duncan. ETA: I should have been more help on the schematic: it appears wired exactly like standard Stratocaster, V1 is neck, V2 is middle. I have never played a Daytona, so someone with real knowledge would likely be a better source. I'm of the opinion that V2 always belongs on the bridge pickup. Always. It's a really simple change to make.
  17. There's a great archived VG interview of Roy by our own @Willie G. Moseley here.
  18. Studio. I don't think this has been posted previously. Beautiful top and crowns!
  19. Yes, sadly, like death and taxes, we all, eventually, buy from Bubs.
  20. Really glad you queued that up - I hadn't taken the time to listen that far into it.
  21. There is also an old post from @dboy66 (c. 2008) referencing a "Pizza Day Special," but the Photobucket links are broken.
  22. Here's a photo I swiped from an old post of the hand print on the infamous Pizza Day Standard: An otherwise beautiful guitar:
  23. That was as amazing in musical content as it was for its fashion fails! 😆 Seriously though, how much fun would it be to participate in something like that? My entire town doesn't have that many people that can play any instrument!
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