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Everything posted by beezerboy

  1. I had a carbon neck from another maker (got in trade, traded back, etc). it was heavy AF but that one was solid and had no truss rod, I see that this one does. makes me kina wonder how the neck is built. it looks interesting though
  2. well if they don't have vintage air in the packages we know it's bullshit
  3. what... 13 hours and no comments??? I watched this with coffee this morning. a typical Tommy.... outstanding. some people can play, and then there guys like him (but not many). I may have mentioned this before but here goes again. I first saw him playing at Windsongs. the introduction was something like this:. We first saw him at a big 3 day event in Nashville (?) a few years ago. The promo poster listed all the players. Over 100.... Tommy was last, after the sound man. the next year.... he was the headliner.... Give a warm welcome to Tommy Emanual" ...and, hes a real non-asshole.... nice a guy as you would ever want to meet. helps the community, reaches out to the young, etc. as you might guess, he's a legend in Oz
  4. I got a spare... really good guitar, MIK, every bit of an Epi or more
  5. yeah, the're a bunch of knob lickers but really.... guitars from vic flick and aunt mary???? that there is some guitars boys and girls
  6. I'm gonna go with they got a case of the dumbass that said... I got one spare
  7. yep.... or nope? all I know is he "hears" things I don't. love my EJ Strat too
  8. thats what Eric Johnson said (among other things). the EJ signature Strat comes with no cover and no screw holes
  9. 220 views and nothin?????? come on.... you know you want to
  10. ... 5 on my current board plus 3 or 4 I can't part with. there may be others
  11. heres a bunch of pedals I tried and moved on. some are rare. some were on the board a while, but most were just tried around the house. none had velcro. I listed the new price and what I could find of the low used price. got any interest we'll talk price & shipping. I'll make a deal. DEAL!!! T-Rex Fat Shuga. Drive & Reverb. New. $180 new/100 used XTS Imperial Drive. NIB with pouch. $250 new/180 used DigiTech Freqout. Sustainer/feedback. NIB $200 new/150 used Vick Audio Rams Head (Big Muff fuzz) NIB $260 new/180 used Mooer Ensemble King Chorus Low use $65 new/$50 used OKKO Diablo German made double drive New $320 new/200 used LovePedal Box of Awesome boutique double drive like new $225 used (no new price) Boss DS 1 Fuzz Low use $65 new/ $40 used Plimsoul drive pedal Low use $155 new/100 used LovePedal/ Hermida Dover Drive (Eric Johnson) NIB no new prices $180 used
  12. hmmmmmmmmmm.................. got any dog waste to smear on it???
  13. .... and apparently, "do what ever you want" doesn't really mean what I thought it does
  14. take the tubes out and clean the pins, squirt electrical contact cleaner in the sockets. DeOxit is the good one if you can find it. it often helps to just take 'em out and put 'm, back in
  15. I do..... what does that mean??? btw... I think unca D is old. I was surprised to hear hes still doing it
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