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Proposed band name - seeking reactions


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Ku Klux Klowns?

Brilliant! and for the punk/sci-fi geek crowd, Ku Klux Klingons!


I was at U of R from '93 to '96 and left Richmond in '99. Don't remember the Dads, but spent time with GWAR and Lamb of God.

Deadbeat Dads was intended as a currently relevant equvalent of the early punk band names like the Dead Kennedys. Probably a bad idea for a group of 50 year olds to incite that degree of negativity.

More likely options that tend more toward self defacing humor include:

Artful Codger

The 'Sconnie Fossils


I'm going with "Swillbillies" here ... I realize you actually are a bunch of old f*ckers but do you really want your bands name to reflect that fact?

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In the spirit of Ku Klux Klowns, how about:

  • Not Sees
  • Ray Cysts
  • Fosh Hists
  • Jackbooted Thugs
  • Anti Semantics
  • Public Masticators

Deadbeat Dabs?

Deadbeat Deeds?

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The Grateful Deadbeats

The Indentured Savants

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I like Swillbillies best so far, but tell us about the band for more suggestions.

Since you asked:

Old guys who were in a locally popular band 30 years ago. Back then, we played power pop with punk overtones, originals and covers of tunes by Cheap Trick, Off Broadway, Bram Tchaichovski, Greg Kihn, 20/20, Adam Ant, and the Ramones. Gradually the band incorporated country/rockabilly influences and was an unknown early participant in the punk-country psychobilly genre. When that ended after it's 4 months of popularity, we played weddings for a year and broke up.

We now want to play the occasional bar gig and charity event, have fun and not practice very much. We're not interested in making money, but we recognize the obligation to sell drinks for the venue. Musically, we'll be doing instantly recognizable classics (The Wanderer, Crimson and Clover, I Think I Love You, Oops I Did It Again) in a simplifed heavy style much like the Ramone's version of Needles and Pins. If you remember the Fools doing "I Don't Wanna Grow Up", you're right on target.

Ideally, I'd like the name to convey seasoned guys who can play, but don't take themselves seriously as players. We wouldn't think of engaging in anything as self-indulgent as "shredding" or "jamming" (not that there's anything wrong with that) We want to promote fun and nostalgia and a name with a touch of humor is important.

If I went somewhere and the band was the Deadbeat Dads, I'd probably just assume that they wouldn't show up


That's hilarious. I'm using it when we convene to discuss the band name.

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I don't think "Cheez and Crackwhores" is taken...

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How about:

Al A'Mony & The Garnished Wages

The Overdrafts

The Dadbeats

Voodoo Chile Support

I like all of the above, very topical! Artful Codgers is good, too.

I dunno why no one likes 'The Raging Sh!ts'. Too raw? :o

Edited to add: I think the name 'The Oneders' is still available... :huh:

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I was in a band where, at 38, I was the young kid, along with the female vocalist (three guys were in their 50s).

We went by

Aging Hormones, which I thought was killer.

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I was in a band where, at 38, I was the young kid, along with the female vocalist (three guys were in their 50s).

We went by

Aging Hormones, which I thought was killer.

Second choice for that band...

"Viagra Falls"?? :o

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